
to help you get started on your healing journey

Ayurveda Masterclass

All you need to know to start living your Ayurvedic Lifestyle in a simple & easy way! Learn the basics & what practical steps to start with to increase your health in a holistic way.

  • The "back-to-basics" Masterclass with all the insights of Ayurveda that I wish I knew when I got started on my healing journey. I'm teaching you all the Holistic Health Tools in the most easy & simple way, to be able to apply them in the modern daily life.

    You'll learn WHAT routines & practices to use + WHY, so that you can build up motivation, mind-body balance & get clear on how to use these ancient remedies to optimize your well-being & daily energy.

    Touching topics:

    • What is Ayurveda?

    • What's the 3 Doshas?

    • The Circadian Clock

    • Most important Dinacharya (daily routines)

    • Simple tricks to get started for long-lasting results

Dosha Yoga Bundle

The Yoga Bundle that will balance all 3 Doshas & move you into everyday balance, high energy & a calm nervous system with simple daily yoga practices.

  • The Yoga Bundle that makes your practice a HEALING tool & shifts your low emotions & heavy energy into uplifting ones that feels easy, inspiring & fun!

    You’ll release your mind & mental stress by landing in your body, your breath & your somatic wisdom. This is the power of Ayur Yoga, where a clear intention for each class stabilizes you into inner peace.

    3 Ayur Yoga classes:

    • Vata class for grounding down, find your inner roots, stability & calm. This class is all about opening up our hips, release stagnant Vata & find your inner peace.

    • Pitta class for dynamic flow to ease your system & let go of stress, tension & inner pressure. This class is all about harmonizing your inner fire to feel centered, focused & sustainable in your energy.

    • Kapha class for building strength, activate your system & release all blockages & stagnation. This class is all about opening up your chest & heart area, improving your immune system & connecting yourself back to your inner focus & power.

    The Details:

    Pre-recorded yoga

    Lifetime Access.

    Investment: 55€

    Bonuses: Dosha Quiz + Spotify Yoga List

Dosha Quiz

This ayurvedic quiz is the guide to find your unique energy-type (constitution) and element that is most dominant in your being to know how to balance yourself.

  • Ayurveda is based upon the wisdom of Nature, which is formed by the three Doshas: Vata (the wind element), Pitta (the fire element) and Kapha (the earth element). These are the foundation of this holistic medicine and the root cause of our health. The dosha qualities are mirrored in us as spiritual beings and create specific functions in our body, mind and soul. 

    The purpose of ayurvedic health is to learn about the different doshas, discover your unique dosha-type and with this wisdom understand how to create balance for improved health. Ayurveda is a tradition of individual health where the elements of nature are guiding us to reach our true potential and a healthy life.

Balanced Body Course

A body-mind course for you who longs for a holistic understanding of your unique health and learn to create sustainable practices and routines that support you every day.

  • 6 weeks of ancient Ayurveda and Ayur Yoga to get clarity on what it means to live in alignment with nature in a simple and easy way.

    The roadmap to help you get from confused and unmotivated around health, to feel fully aligned with your unique health and inspired to start creating change that lasts. With these methods you will integrate all aspects of your being and feel energized, connected and motivated to enter a holistic lifestyle that will make you deeply evolve


    • 6 week Online Course

    • When: 4 November - 9 December

    • Time: Mondays 7-9 pm CEST

    • All Recorded + Lifetime Access

    • Investment: 299€

Manifestation Bundle

The one & only ritual I have used for years for transformation! Having a Manifestation Method that actually works is key to align your soul with your Higher Self & reach your Dreams.

  • So many times we hear about these affirmations and positive quotes for growth, but let’s be honest - that is not enough! To experience true change you need to go deeper.

    The Mindful Manifestation is the Ritual to support you reaching your goals, breaking those limiting beliefs and start taking actions that are aligned for you to evolve! I have gathered all the powerful tools and best methods that have been most powerful on my Spiritual Path. This bundle gives you the power to achieve your dreams, change your mindset and reprogram your inner energetic structure to get the results that you long for. Integrating this Ritual on a consistent basis will help you gain motivation and clarity on what stands in your way to move closer to your Future Self.

    This bundle includes:

    • Mindful Manifestation Lecture:

    How Manifestation works so that you can reprogram your subconscious mind and make the Universe work FOR you. Learn the keys to deep transformation and long lasting results with the spiritual aspects of how to create your dream life. 

    • The Ritual:

    A 10-page powerful workbook with all the deeper questions and reflections you need for manifesting your desires. Remove what stands in your way and invite new beliefs so that changing your reality becomes your normality.

    • Future Self Meditation:

    A visualization meditation for you to tap into that future version of yourself and evoke the powerful energetic field that makes you attract your dreams on a daily basis.

    Up-level your manifestation methods and use this bundle on a consistent everyday basis to experience the results in your reality!

    It is all about believing that all you wish for are meant for you and that you are fully worthy of everything your heart desires!

    Investment: 55€

    Lifetime Access


Get into your practice using the ancient tools of Ayurveda & Ayur Yoga. On this page you’ll find simple practices of Yoga, Meditation & Breathing Exercises for getting into daily balance, well-being & health!