1:1 Coaching

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1:1 Ayurveda Health Calls

Ayurveda health calls are here to support your uniqueness.

You will get clarity on where you are right now in your healing journey and what stands in your way to enjoy a healthy life where you feel connected with yourself and balanced in your health.

Modern health today can be confusing!

There are so many ideas, methods and diets out there where all is saying “this is the one that works!” Most of the time they are not. They may be working for some, but it’s time to let go of the belief of one-fits-all and realize that we are all so different - our health guidelines will also be different.

Ayurveda focuses on you and YOU only! There exists no common strategy in holistic health, but only an individual approach that starts from your unique dosha-type (constitution) and current status. The sessions will get you into an experimental mode where you will start to know yourself by increasing your awareness. Instead of copy-pasting someone else's health plan, we will create a personal one for you.

The ayurvedic sessions will give you tools and methods to understand not only WHAT to implement but also WHY and HOW.

This is where the magic happens, when you understand the energetics of your being in alignment with Nature. I am here to help you understand this in a simple, logical and practical way so that you feel supported and inspired by easy routines every day.

As an intuitive guide I am leading from your needs in the present moment - healthy ayurvedic routines, food and sleep habits, current health issues and your intention for being here will always be addressed. We will also discuss lifestyle topics like your relationships, your feminine nature, your deeper Dharma and your environments at home or work. 

Ayurveda is more than just eating and sleeping good, so enter these sessions with an open heart to explore all of you.

“When we live in balance, we live a life free from sickness.”

What is included:

  • Understanding Ayurveda & the Doshas

  • Finding your unique Dosha-type

  • Learning general Ayurvedic routines

  • Creating your unique Ayurvedic routines

  • Food/herb/detox recommendations 

  • Planning ahead for deeper healing

  • Yoga/meditation/pranayama for balancing practice

I invite you to enter the holistic healing lifestyle and discover your natural way of health, happiness and ease!

“You have all the healing powers within you, all you have to do is remember them.”

Paskalina Maliganis sitting a bean bag holding a book.


  • Introduction Call (90min): 155 euro

  • Follow-up Call (60min): 111 euro

Let me know if you have any questions!

1:1 Ayurveda Mentorship

“This is for you who want to do the work to create real change.”

You know everything is energy. When you work on your body, all your other energy bodies also get the effects. You know that deep healing is when you align yourself with your true potential and higher self. You are ready to do the work!

Paskalina Maliganis wearing a white blouse and sitting on a knitted mat.

Ayurveda Mentorship with me is all about healthy food and daily routines. And lots of spirituality!

This is a spiritual journey, a decision where you are ready to heal it all because you know that you have the capacity to raise your vibration to a higher level. This vibration is energy that will spread to all your other subtle energy fields. You know that health is never just a daily habit, but a lifestyle shift that will transform you!

Talking about heart disease without talking about past experiences with love makes NO sense. This is the modern way of “health” where we don’t approach the root and the deeper layer, and that is why I believe that medicine is not true healing.

When you choose to join a longer coaching program with me, you are willing to look deeper.

You are aware of the law of resonance, that everything is one and that you are spirit. You are open to see your shadows and do the work. You have decided that you are ready and will take the motivated actions to create that change. You know that you are worthy of becoming your Highest Self!

In ayurvedic mentorship I will guide your healing journey based on my experiences with natural medicine, holistic health and spirituality. My goal for you is to remember your innate powers, tap into the wisdom of nature, allow yourself to be all spiritual and to know everyday how you can support yourself in all your body-mind-soul aspects.

This is for those of you who…

  • Are ready to go all in on your health and wellbeing.

  • Want to get personal support for your spiritual growth.

  • Are not afraid to do the work and take action even when it feels challenging.

  • Long for a lifestyle of healthy habits, sustainable practices and daily motivation.

  • Are open to new perspectives and ideas of developing yourself.

  • Ready to get out of victim-hood and take full responsibility for your own healing.

  • Desire a deeper connection with your feminine nature and up-level your self-love and worthiness.

Ayurvedic Mentorship is a transformative journey for you to get deep 1:1 support for your healing and inner growth. This is a decision for your future where you will get holistic practices and individual guidance to use the rest of your life. Your older self will thank you for honoring yourself on a long term vision.

Paskalina Maliganis demonstrating a yoga technique.

You will receive:

  • Ayurvedic advice

  • Food, recipes, herb recommendations

  • Detoxing formula for Agni

  • Dosha overview and the energetic aspects

  • Yoga and embodiment exercises 

  • Meditations and Pranayamas

  • Emotional support

  • Individual recommendations along the way

  • Printable guidelines and workbooks for deeper growth

If you are ready to uplevel your health and spiritual growth - I am so ready and here for you!

Paskalina Maliganis smiling and wearing a green blouse with a dark sweater.

Let’s get to know each other and feel the vibe in a free 15min Discovery Call.

On the call I will ask about where you are on your journey and what intentions and goals ahead are. I will also explain how I can help you and what it would be like to work with me for a longer period of time.

The intention of this call is to feel the energy between us, see if it is a good match and if I am the one to guide you further. No expectations or obligations for either side. If it is not a fit, it is just not. I will give you some guidelines to direct you further.

I am curious to meet you, beautiful soul!

Payment Plan options:

  • 3 months - Payment Plan: 190 x 2 months 

  • 6 months - Payment Plan: 230 x 3 months  

  • 12 months - Payment Plan: 190 x 6 months 

These options are available and personally arranged on request. Let's discuss further in our Discovery Call or let me know by email