Paskalina Maliganis wearing a green blouse and a dark-coloured sweater. She is also wearing jewelries and smiling.

My story

My mission is to make health simple so that you can truly heal and become whole.

Health is never only about a diet or how much yoga you do. Health is a healing mechanism that makes you grow on a spiritual level. This is why I am here for you.

My whole life I’ve been into spirituality and personal growth. When I found Yoga over 10 years ago I realized how this was more than an exercise for my body, it was touching something deeper within and healed my shadow sides. The first years on the mat I was crying every time by huge emotional release. I could feel the shift inside and wanted to explore more.

In my search I found Ayurveda as one of my most potent tools for healing and started to create a holistic lifestyle that helped me immensely.

By purifying my body and mind through Ayurveda and Yoga, I reconnected with my higher self and became whole.

Paskalina Maliganis wearing a white long sleeve blouse and sitting on a yoga met.

The power of holistic healing is to create health on all levels of your being - body, mind, soul and energy.

With practices for both your everyday life, as well as your spirit, you will create a foundation for your wellbeing that heals it all. You will remember who you are and what you need in order to thrive.

My mission is to give you simple and logical tools for ancient natural traditions. Making it practical and inspiring to use everyday.

I’m here to guide you to learn about the wisdom of Nature, understand your uniqueness and create a holistic lifestyle that actually lasts.

With ayurveda, yoga and spiritual insights will teach you how to:

  • Awaken your holistic being by connecting your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects and become whole.

  • Discover your unique dosha-type and learn the logic of Nature.

  • Create simple routines for everyday to build your own way of healing.

  • Embody the ancient wisdom to your modern life.

  • Motivate you to take consistent action towards health that actually lasts.

  • Understand why you have destructive habits so that you can create healthy and supportive ones!

  • Inspire you to become your own healer by learning efficient remedies and hacks.

  • Cultivate a loving relationship with yourself, your body and your intuition.

  • Integrate your femininity in your holistic practice, because health is spiritual and you are a goddess!

Paskalina Maliganis sitting on a bean bag wearing a beige sweater and a black blouse.

My Traits 

  • Coming from different cultures is amazing, as well as challenging with all its lessons and spiritual insights. And yes, I speak greek! ;)

  • My driving force is my fire, which is constantly teaching me the importance of keeping it in balance and increasing my Kapha.

  • The reason why people feel I am grounded and on the go at the same time.

  • When I fell in love with the Vedic Traditions, tantra also came into my life with its transformative powers. I found my way back to my true feminine self and I am still a student of these amazing methods.

  • From being a full-time vegan I changed my mindset around food when I found Ayurveda and now being more flexible. Eating seasonal, locally and organic is my biggest priority and by adding ghee or some dairy products has actually healed my monthly cycle.

  • My nail polish. Choosing as much natural for myself, my food, my home, my products - this is the hardest one for me. Have used this for as long as I can remember and I am not planning to stop now ;)

  • So to compensate for my nail polish, I am very conscious with my toothpaste and deodorant. Knowing the deeper damage and poisoning effects these products do, I avoid using fluoride and aluminum.

  • The list grows every year. So far the spiritual educations I have in my back is Ayurveda Health Coach, Ayurveda for Women, Yoga Teacher in Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa, Yin Yoga, Ayur Yoga and on my way becoming a Tantra Teacher for women - all rooted from the same Vedic Traditions of spirituality.

My Methods

Ayurveda and Yoga are both ancient Vedic Traditions that have been used for over 5000 years.

They are holistic and spiritual methods with the clear goal of self-realization and spiritual growth by aligning us with our body-mind-soul and becoming our Highest Self. This stems from the belief that we are spiritual beings and incarnated here on earth for a reason. We come with our karmic lessons and only by meeting them all, can we truly heal our soul and live our Dharma.

The purpose of both Ayurveda and Yoga is to purify and heal our being so that we can raise our consciousness and live as the vibrant spiritual beings that we are. If this sounds too woo-woo, remember the tools to get there are all about simple routines, natural health and everyday wellbeing.

“Food is our medicine, Yoga is our therapy” 

The above quote is a common saying that gives a clear picture of the potent healing powers of these methods, both being psychosomatic practices that understands that a healthy body and a clear mind are necessary for deep healing.


Ayurveda is not about a specific diet, eating superfoods or adding supplements...

It is about finding balance on all levels of life by acknowledging our wholeness and unique dosha-type, meaning your energetic structure or constitution. It is a holistic medicine from India that believes we can live a life free from any disease or sickness when we are in full balance.

In Sanskrit Ayurveda means “Science of Life” and teaches us that being happy and healthy means that we are in harmony on all levels - body, mind and soul, as well as fulfilled in all our environments, relationships, workspace, home etc. It is a medicine that doesn't just treat the symptoms of a disease, but rather creates long lasting changes in all areas of our lives with the ancient guidance of Mother Nature.

You are a part of her, a mirror of her. By synchronizing yourself with her qualities, principles, elements, cycles and seasons you will tap into the energetics of becoming your own healer. Your body knows how to heal itself, it holds all the power within. When you know what to follow and create for your wellbeing, you will feel uplifted and inspired by the results. You have the capacity to improve and change your current reality to whatever you desire for yourself. 

The reason why I love this medicine and why I’ve experienced consistent results on my healing journey, is because the methods just make sense.

When you implement them, you get these “aha-moments” which makes your inner wisdom awaken and health becomes a joyful process. It gets to be easy. This is the magic of Ayurveda. 

What Ayurveda can help you heal:

  • Digestive issues, Constipation

  • IBS, Crohns, Allergies

  • Stress

  • Burnout

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Fatigue

  • Skin diseases, Eczema

  • Sleep issues

  • Mental agitation 

  • Joint pain

  • Menstruation & Menopause issues

  • Hormonal issues, PMS, Infertility

  • Eating disorders

  • Overweight 

  • Addictions

  • Low energy/motivation

  • Procrastination 

  • Fear

  • and more

Anything you experience is according to Ayurveda a body-mind symptom and you can heal it from any direction.

When we heal the body, we automatically heal the mind, and vice versa. The energetic imprints will shift your entire being and you will become more of you. I am here to guide you on your unique path. 

  • Sara says...

    “This Ayurveda workshop got me super inspired to start using simple routines for my everyday health. I got huge insights on how different we all are. That I am even different in various periods of my life and that the most important thing is to be open to these changes in order to create balance.”

  • Gemila says...

    “I didn't know much about Ayurveda, but it was easy to understand and I loved the session! Immediately after starting the suggested routines my stomach harmonized. Now, after 10 days it's still feeling very well!”

Download your free Dosha Quiz

to get started with Ayurveda and understand your unique energy type

Paskalina Maliganis demonstrating a yoga position.

Ayur Yoga

Ayurvedic Yoga is a style of yoga based in the Hatha Yoga tradition with its foundation in the oldest yogic methods. This dynamic and relaxing yoga is a deep embodiment practice where there is no goal or destination. There is only presence and the intention of a certain energy.

My over 10 years experience of yoga have made me love the varieties of the ancient Hatha Yoga - Vinyasa with its inspiring flow, Power Yoga with its dynamic strength and Yin with its recovering calmness. In these forms I find the deeper meaning of creating balance in body and mind to increase wellbeing. 

The yoga I offer to you is Ayur Yoga, which is based on Hatha Yoga, with influences of other styles and inspirations based on clear intention. With mindfulness, energetic embodiment and intuitive guidance you will explore the powerful effects of a practice and learn how to intentionally use yoga tools for your specific healing purpose. 

My classes will nurture you with the help of Nature and the oldest vedic teachings. Yoga is not an exercise kit, but a way of balancing yourself on a deeper spiritual level by making both body and mind strong, flexible, open and relaxed.

Are you ready to tap into the healing powers of your body?

Private yoga is the key to get over that imaginary limitation you have in your yoga practice and get personal guidance to reach your goals!

This is the perfect setting to build your practice for exactly what your body-mind needs. You will receive unique attention to overcome limitations, stress, pain or injuries, “impossible poses”, blind-spots or other discomforts in your body so that you can feel relaxed and energized in your whole system.